As our understanding of disease processes grows, modern medicine is becoming increasingly focused on creating wellness rather than treating illness, representing a profound shift in how we relate to and manage health and the ageing process.
Increasingly we are looking for ways to make healthier lifestyle choices not only to prevent disease but to optimise wellness and longevity, but the overwhelming amount of often conflicting information available makes it difficult to know where to start.
And while most of us know that we need to improve our diets and exercise more, get more sleep and have less screen time- and maybe even learn to meditate - this is hard to do in world full of energy-dense foods, diminishing physical activity, high levels of stress, huge demands on our time and increasing social disconnection. Add in a medical system that is not equipped for the more complex process of assessing and managing lifestyle change, and you have the perfect storm of lifestyle-related illness and unhealthy ageing which we see today.e
— Dr Sheena Burnell
At UltimateHealth we believe everyone has the potential to be their best, healthiest self, and all our advice is based on the evidence-based principles of lifestyle and preventative medicine. Informed by our assessment of your current lifestyle, the results of our in-depth testing and your wellness goals, we work with you to formulate your unique blueprint for optimal health, vitality and longevity, one that will nourish and sustain you throughout your entire healthspan.
Let us start your journey for creating and maintaining better health and functioning with simple, achievable lifestyle strategies and tools for change. Whatever your health status, age or level of fitness, now is the right time to truly start living the life you deserve.